FQ Fabric Basket FREE sewing tutorial

This is the FQ Fabric Basket FREE sewing tutorial from the designer Maevy’s Corner.
Here’s a great free tutorial showing you how to make this awesome Fat Quarter Fabric Basket. This would look SO good in your sewing space filled with brightly colored and neatly folded Fat Quarters. Or just as a handy basket to keep next to you as you sew with all of the bits and pieces closely on hand. Easy to move your tools, scissors, threads etc from the cutting table over to the sewing machine and back as you work.
You can make yourself a few of these and use them around the house to store all kinds of things. And if you are feeling generous why not make a few as gifts for family and friends.
Or use seasonal fabrics and make them for the holidays. I can see them looking so pretty in a Christmas themed fabric, filled with treats, or even used as a small gift basket.
What’s needed to make a FQ Fabric Basket:
- Coordinated fabric scraps (fat eights work well for the sides),
- Thin polyester batting (cotton and bamboo are not stiff enough),
- Non-woven, heavy weight sew-on interfacing,
- Two yards of ribbon,
- Matching or contrasting thread,
- A hand-sewing needle,
- Basic sewing supplies,
- A sewing machine (optional).
Check out our RESOURCES PAGE full of great recommendations and links for fabric stores and suppliers, interfacing and stabilizers, hardware resources, and zippers.

If you would like to follow along with the FREE tutorial you can click on the purple button below. Note – there is no pattern download for this project. It is a measure and cut pattern from dimensions given, so its ideal if you don’t have a printer at home, or just can’t be bothered to be sticking sheets of paper together today.
Another note – there is some handsewing required.
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