Sew your own perfect padded purse handles – FREE tutorial
Do you sigh at the price of pre-made bag handles? We know that we sure do! We love the look of leather handles and will use them on more special bags, but sometimes it’s nice to have a different handle on everyday fabric bags too, without having to opt for an expensive pre-made one or just a standard flat-fold handle.
That’s where today’s tutorial comes in handy. Now you can create your own padded bag handles in exactly the right size, length and color that you need. It’s easier than you might think to create beautiful handles. Sarah will show you how.
What you will need to make Padded Purse Handles:-
- 1/4 of a yard of quilting cotton
- Two strips 2” by 28 1/2” of Soft & Stable (fabric covered foam batting) or similar foam such as headliner
- Large spool of thread or circle measuring 1 1/2 ” in diameter
- Fabric marker such as a Frixion pen
- Quilt binding clips
- Basic sewing supplies
- A sewing machine.
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