Double Zipper Pouch – free video & tutorial

There are quite a few really good tutorials, patterns and videos out there in the bloggy-sphere for how to sew a wide variety of zipper pouches. But they usually all have just one zipper section.
OK, but what if you want a pouch with two zippered compartments, or three? It’s not always easy to get your head around how you might make something like that.
If you want to sew a flat zipper pouch that has a zipper along the top but then also a zipper pocket on the front or back too, how does that go together? What do you do in what order? How to make the zipper ends look neat and even? How to make the extra zipper pocket and not end up with seams that are too thick to sew through.

So check out this step by step video which very clearly walks you through all the steps for how to create a zipper pouch with two zippered sections.
This video will lead you to have one of those Ah-ha moments. Once you’ve made the first one and see how it goes together, we think you’ll have the next one sewn in no time!
Then you’ll be challenging yourself to sew a second zipper pocket on the other side too. Yes, you can do that – a zipper pocket on top and a zipper pocket on the outside front AND back. Go for it!
You’ll be well on your way to designing your own custom bags to suit exactly what you need to store.
The video above should tell you everything you need to know, but you can also visit Japanese Sewing Books for a picture step by step tutorial, taken as stills from the video.
FREE picture tutorial for download
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