|We know a lot of our readers are interested in exploring the idea of selling the bags that they sew. Sometimes our hobby can get a bit of our hand and we sew more than we can use, but still enjoy the process of sewing and don’t want to stop. Or perhaps you would like to earn a little side money by selling your handcrafted bags and sewn goods at craft fairs or via an online shop like Etsy. Or perhaps people admire your bags and ask you to sew them a custom purse to their own design.
But what bags or projects are best to sew to sell? There are a number of considerations:
- Cost of materials, especially hardware or specialist supplies. Some patterns may require expensive or difficult-to-find hardware, or recommend special interfacing or other materials.
- Time spent sewing the project. If you’ve spent 20 hours sewing a purse it’s going to be difficult to make enough profit to make it worthwhile.
- Is the end result what people want to buy? Is your bag project ‘on trend’, does it have the right pockets and features for the modern buyer?
- Can you quickly fill a stall with stocking stuffers that don’t take much time or expense to sew, but will sell well.

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Who picked the patterns we suggest you sew to sell?
No one knows better what sells than those actually doing the selling. So we asked our newsletter readers to tell us their sew-to-sell secrets. Which patterns did they recommend? The patterns they had the most success with or the patterns that made them the most sales or the most profit.
Then we compiled all of the suggestions into the top 20 most popular based on all that feedback and made them into an easy-to-read and save pdf download. Enter your email address below so we can send you the PDF download with the top 20 sew-to-sell patterns, all with clickable links so you can easily find these successful patterns.
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Keen to get sewing!
All your patterns have been great so far:)
Love your site! Great projects to sell, gift and keep!
Thanks so much for the information. I can’t wait to read my pdf book.
thank you