The occasional frustrations of sewing (plus wine and a cat)
We think that sewers are the best people, and some of the online personalities you find in the sewing niche are such fun. We came across this video on YouTube made by the lovely Chris W and just HAD to share it with you. Yes, we’ve all been there. Doesn’t it seem that some projects are cursed? It starts off with just a small snaffoo, and then everything seems to just go wrong from there until a relatively simple project becomes a project from hell. But we sewers are resourceful and determined people and are not to be beaten by a simple sewing project.
Persevere, drink wine, sew some more. We’ll get there in the end!
If you like the look of the Penny Inn wallet – honestly it’s not that hard! Now you know what mistakes could be made, you’ll avoid them all and your wallet will be perfect.
Click on the button below to get the Penny Inn Wallet Pattern.